[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmY5NDg5Yy5QQ0JUZEdWbVlXNTVJRkpoZEdWeVptVnNiQ0EtLjAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/anak-anak.regular.png[/img][/center] [@EchoicChamber] Stefany gave him a tentative smile back, staring at his girly clothes and trying not to wince. Here she was, trying not to stand out so him being here was enough to make her want to go back to the safe confines of her apartment. She shuffled a couple of random papers and placed them to the side so Maddie had more place to put down his cup. [color=hotpink]"Yeah. It's killing me."[/color] She smiled again before looking at Maddie closely. She was feeling oddly weirded out by his constant reference to her as "Miss Raterfell" [color=hotpink]"No, no it's fine. I was finishing here anyway. Are you free for today?"[/color] She wasn't going to meet her soulmate twice. And her wrist was burning hard enough to make her want to do anything to make it stop.