A person of petite stature, their face hidden under the cloak of a black hoodie, stepped out of the shadows of a nearby alleyway. It appeared as if their body had simply materialized out of the darkness. Had it? If anyone had been watching from the other side, they’d know the answer. Fortunately for Benjamin, nobody was. He walked at a quickened pace through the streets of Frixion Prime, his hand stuffed into his pocket, where he squeezed his wallet between thumb and forefinger. A little thin for his tastes. He stopped at a street corner, his gaze veering from left to right as he scanned the area. [i][color=0054a6]I’ll go to an internet cafe[/color][/i], he decided. [i][color=0054a6]There must be something like that around. I’ll go there, run some malware, collect some credit card numbers, and then leave this planet.[/color][/i] Having come to this conclusion, Benjamin made his way further down the street, passing by a shop with food and a group of people, and then stopped as his stomach made an audible groaning sound.