[img]https://images.cooltext.com/4996256.png[/img] [@medalliah] This girl was too innocent to be here. She would never survive Vlad and his stupid tests. Roxy didn't want to feel protective of anyone. She needed to focus on her survival. But she hated that someone like this girl had ended up here. She snorted when the girl asked her if she wanted to be here. She was surprised that any of them still wanted to be here. But maybe they were still hoping to get something good out of the experience. [color=blue]"No I don't want to be here. Unlike you smart people."[/color] Roxy put air quotes around the work smart because she didn't think anyone who volunteered for human experiments was all that smart. [color=blue]"I didn't volunteer for this. I have no desire to be a soldier or save the world. This isn't an ordinary collar kid. Unless one of you is a technical genius I don't see any of you being able to remove it."[/color]