[@Lyla] To be brought back for the purpose of defeating something that threatened all of humanity didn't sound so bad. After all, the enemy was a completely new threat and it was stimulating that there was so much to learn. Still, Al'nehak could only wonder why Vis would bring her back. The others standing in this room could be considered as heroes in their time and their exploits were held in high regard for the later generations. Why did she, someone far from a hero -a murderer in fact- come back alive? There were more qualified heroes than her. A chance at redemption? Her necromatic powers were needed? Both perhaps? "Won't it be a strange twist of fate if those who came back refused to heed the call to war?" Al'nehak thought to herself. There was another pressing question Al'nehak had. She approached Madam Royce and spoke in a voice low enough for only the two of them to hear. "It appears you are very knowledgeable about many things. Necromancy has always been seen as a taboo subject. Has that attitude change today?"