[quote=@Neo Is Delight] I'll address this in two parts. First, while there might be teams there will not be any solo work. This is a group roleplay, and as such it will act like one. If at any point a mage breaks off from the group to just do their own thing, unless it's reasonable, I will remove them immediately. I'm sorry, but this isn't a "You're strong enough to just say 'fuck you' to the rest of the guild". Everyone knows each other, everyone is like a family. No if's, and's, or but's about it. No solo mages in Dragon's Cry. Now, assuming that wasn't really what you meant, and I misinterpreted that. Yes it's possible x character hasn't actually worked alongside y character all too often. BUT. A lot of the guild members of Fairy Tail didn't always work together, but when they did, you could see how their relationships outside of fighting actually mattered in combat. Good teamwork doesn't take just experience on the combat field, as it is effected by their relationship as a whole. [/quote] I just meant to point the fact that they don't necesarily have experience at fighting in group, making the awkwardness in the start of the interaction justifiable. Didn't really imply that someone would go solo in the RP or anything like that.