Heya![@Stitches]friend here, sorry it took a while some IRL things came up but I managed to finish my sheet, give it a look and let me know if it needs any editing. =) [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Royce Age: 29 Race: Human Sex: Male Skills: Survival, Sneak, Melee Weapons, Small Arms, Animal Husbandry Weapons & armor/clothing: 1x Mismatch of tribal and raider leathers as armor 1x Hunting Shotgun 1x Hunting Knife (Previous) Occupation(s): Caesar's Legion (former), Wanderer Faction (Minutemen, Institute, BOS, Railroad, None. Etc): None Backstory: Royce hails from the Hangdogs, a tribe located in northeastern Colorado near Denver, the tribe mostly kept to itself and with it’s obsession with hounds, it was inevitable that Royce was trained to running with his own pack of wild dogs from the hordes that infest Denver. The worship of dogs was common among his tribe, seeing them as their spirit animals. Royce was 12 when the Legion tore through his tribe’s encampment and enslaved them to become legionnaires. Royce spent the next 16 years within the legion forced into becoming a soldier against his will. It was 16 years of forced conflict that hardened him to the horrors of war and made him grow to resent his platoon’s leader; little more than a slavemaster to his people. Little did Royce know that the life of the legion took its toll on his superior too. In the dead of night during a cold September, the slaver fled his camp eastwards. Royce didn’t waste a second taking the brief chance given to him to flee east and chase the man down, hellbent on making him pay for the atrocities he has committed onto Royce’s people and the ones who got in their way. After months of travel, Royce’s hunt lead him to the commonwealth. It was there that he tracked his former slaver, who has picked up mercenary work for quick caps. With vengeance still driving him on, Royce made quick work of locating him and confronting him. The slavers current employer intervened, only to turn out to be an extra scalp on his belt. Without the fiendish drive of vengeance to spur Royce on in his travels he now wanders aimlessly, seeking a new purpose in this unfamiliar land. Appearance/Personality: Royce is a large man, withered by the never-ending wars raged by the trials that come with three decades of survival. Enslaved for more than half of his life to a ferocious army hellbent on ruin, Royce thrived as little more than a conscious weapon used against interlopers before his recent escape. If he ever had a name beyond this one, it has been long forgotten. The story of his youth is burnt into history through the scorch of flame and the spilling of blood on soil. Running with wild dogs by night and day, his dark skin is littered with grisly scarring from the jaws of hounds. Each one is received as a blessed penance, for his people worship these apex canines as deities. His body is unkempt and unshaven, with dark wiry hairs running over the bare patches of sinewy skin, halted only by aging scars and scattered lacerations. Like the hound, he is known for displaying the extremes of loyalty and ruthlessness. He is unforgiving to those who trespass him and persistent with his desires. His slavery has stripped his morals to bare bone through the years and alleviated him from much of the restrictions of fear, leaving him an intimidating opponent and deadly enemy. Though world-wise and experienced in many ways, he is oblivious to the sciences and technology, robbed of any means of education. [/hider]