Meesei held her arm close to herself, being sure to keep it stable for Sabine. "You did well, thank you." She said softly before turning her attention back to the rest of the pack. "We should find somewhere private to discuss this. I feel we have some decisions to make." The pack paused their discussion as they cautiously made their way back to the inn. It would be wise for them to find a different place to stay, if they had to remain in Sentinel any longer, but they would at least need to gather their belongings before moving from the inn. They kept a sharp eye out for anyone that might have been following them, in the event that there were more members of Do'rhajul's team than had been present in the market. Meesei drew some eyes carrying a raven on her arm, but otherwise they were able to get through the streets without issue. Once back in the inn, Meesei was quick to gather everyone in her room and lock the door behind them. The room was too small to hold everyone comfortably, but at the moment, the need to make a plan quickly superseded any desire for comfort. Meesei grabbed a parchment and quill from her bag, sat down at the small, sole table in the room, and started to write out the descriptions of each of Ro'rhajul's team from memory as quickly as she could before that memory started to fade. "So...I don't think we should stick around here long. No telling what they might be able to do now that they know where we are." Ahnasha commented. "Agreed." Meesei responded. "But we still need to make a plan of dealing with them more long-term. With them being this close, I doubt we will escape them for long. At least, not while still tracking our quarry. It would be easy enough to return home, but abandoning, or even delaying our mission is not an option. That said, they did not seem to be as united as I had expected. It may be that Vile is not supporting Do'rhajul with the loyalists he needed, so he may have needed to look elsewhere for specialists. Or perhaps they did not have loyalists with the skills he required. In any event, their loyalties may be a point of weakness for them."