[center][h1][color=Steelblue][b]K E N I C H I[/b][/color][/h1] [h3][i][b]Cafeteria Veranda[/b][/i][/h3][hr][/center] [@Feyblue]Kenichi lowered the bowl of rice he'd been shoveling down his gullet like a character out of Dragon Ball, and turned his head as a soft voice spoke up next to him. With a stray white grain sticking to one cheek, he gulped and gave her a smile--without showing teeth, of course. "Sure, Motome-chan! Grab a seat!" As she assumedly did so, he started in on his udon, picking up one of the boiled eggs with his chopsticks and popping it into his mouth whole. He chewed for some time, one side of his jaw bulging like a squirrel's, before he swallowed and spoke again. "Is the curry here good? Seems popular." He had seen Mamoru and Donny grab some too--in the bigger boy's case, a couple of bowls. Kenichi hoped for his classmate's sake it wouldn't give him the...well, the afterburn, so to speak. The question wasn't much of a conversation starter--he half expected her to just say "Yes" or "No"--but when they had talked before in the nurse's office it had seemed like he had been going too fast for her at some points. If he even knew enough about her to judge her personality, he would hazard a guess that she was an introverted sort, so maybe it would help if he didn't do as much talking as usual. While he waited for her to reply he went back to his own meal, dipping a pork cutlet from the udon into his sauce and scarfing it down before bringing a whole curtain of noodles out of the broth and slurping them heartily. Now that he thought about it, did he seem a little stand-offish himself? So far Fumika and Sen were the only classmates he had really spoken to at length. It looked like Mina, Jett, and Donny had sort of grouped up, and Roy, Ezra (was it him or did a surprising number of people in their class not have Japanese names?) and some girl he didn't recognize were at another table. Mamoru and that girl with the six arms had taken to the trees out in the schoolyard. And they didn't seem to be part of 1-A, but there was another large group of students all hanging together...wait a minute, why did Kenichi feel like he had seen one of them before? He shook it off. Maybe Fumika was just shy, or maybe she had asked like that because for some reason he seemed unsociable? He hadn't really been paying much attention until now...maybe another opportunity to get to know everyone would come up. He mentally shrugged and kept eating while he listened to his friend.