So, uh, hey...Hello. Kinda joined this forum out of curiosity after accidentally finding it while searching for images from an Italian post-apoc RPG called "Nameless Land." I guess I ought start by saying that I prefer being a GM over being a player, even though my experiences as one tend to be sort of short-lived. So far I've run an Adeptus Evangelion campaign, a sci-fi nation game and a handful of FATE-based games with original settings- Most of them done on another forum, or on Discord. All in all, I tend to go for more weird fantasy-esque settings (Think of the Bas-Lag cycle from China Mieville) and transhuman-esque soft sci-fi (A la Quantum Thief and Revelations Space.) Don't mind urban fantasy and -punk either, and I'd go as far as to say that I'd love to run/partecipate in something biopunky. (Even though that's...Not technically an actual literary genre.)