As everyone had went to their various shops to stock up for the voyage ahead of them, Jaakuna would personally escort the Rozarrians to his personal garage. First they would hail an Aircab to the destroyed Emperor’s Tower. Jaakuna didn’t need to go inside the tower itself. There was a secret tunnel along the east entrance to the tower. It had a special mechanism on the left of the iron door that responded to Jaakuna’s specific Mist. It was engineered by Jaakuna in his teens. This garage, much like for Lorenzo, no doubt, was Jaakuna’s escape to tinker and play with whatever was on his mind at whenever time he felt like building something. He placed his palm on the panel and it shined various colors before a beeping sound would confirm Jaakuna’s Mist signature and it would open up the entrance, but differently how it normally would open. Instead of going up how it usually did, the door would split into three parts like a triangle and the ground beneath the four of them would lower about five feet. From there, twenty steps separated them from an underground tunnel that led straight to Jaakuna’s garage. The tunnel itself had steel tubes that were embedded with magicite of various colors that illuminated the path in brilliant colors. Copper coils and other various wiring gave way to allow electrical energy to surge through the tunnel and power the garage mainframe. Eventually after the group had walked through the [url=]tunnel[/url], they would reach the end to a silver, metallic door with blue lights. Upon Jaakuna surrounding his left hand in his mist and placing it against the center of the door, must like the tower door, it split into three parts and opened, allowing them to enter Jaakuna’s garage. It was much like Lorenzo’s back in Stigma, instead of being connected to the water, its main feature was how it had a transparent roof, showing exactly how far away from Archadia it really was. The view of the sky placed it far east but still very much in the marshy lands of the Tchita Uplands. “[color=ed1c24]Well, here it is,[/color]” Jaakuna let them gaze upon the perfection that was his secret getaway. Inside his garage, there were a few unfinished projects that Jaakuna has yet to finish. He had a more compact version of the Ifrit that was in one hangar. There were a few aircars and motorbikes that had been taken apart with several of their interior being ripped out and hanging freely. Then, as they would turn, they saw a few giant monitors that were hooked to something resembling a supercomputer. Just one of the perfect examples of the Archadian technology prowess. Jaakuna walked over to the computer, pressing a button near the top of the clunky keyboard. A sudden loud noise of hangar doors opening was heard. It was hard not to hear it, for it could deafen anyone who was directly next to it. Though, as the doors would open and lower a platform, there rested a beautiful [url=]”contraption[/url]” as Savayna put it. Slim and red like a candied apple, the Valefor was out for the viewing public. “[color=ed1c24]And that is what you’ll be driving, Lorenzo,[/color]” Jaakuna couldn’t help but let out a jealous chuckle, “[color=ed1c24]this is my greatest achievement. This is the only one to ever exist. Lorenzo could gawk if he wished. Meanwhile, Jaakuna would step up to the platform and let the engine purr. “This here is a magicite-powered Aircar that can achieve speeds nearly as fast as the Ifrit can when it's not warping. Equipped with a mist-activated throttle, it reacts to the mist of whom is helming it. The higher the mist output, the faster it can go. In case of battle, it’s also equipped with various cannons and lasers. Oh and it sits up to four people.[/color]” Jaakuna informed Lorenzo, gazing at the blonde Prince with a serious look. “[color=ed1c24]I must admit, not even I have tested it out completely. To be frank, I’m a bit afraid to.[/color]” Jaakuna murmured that last part. “[color=ed1c24]I’m sure it’ll be quite the experience for you.[/color]”