[quote=@Didgeridont]I think trying to make blanket statements regarding people who are legitimately frustrated and labeling them all as a threat to the stability of the guild sets a dangerous precedent. I think trying to obfuscate the truth and make up excuses for a person's actions sets a dangerous precedent. I think that sending images and indirectly alluding that something must be done to stifle a portion of your own community sets a dangerous precedent. I think that focusing on the diction and rhetorical design of an argument rather than its context sets a dangerous precedent. I think deceit and secrecy sets a dangerous precedent. [/quote] “I like to condescend and patronize someone with veiled passive aggressive comments instead of having civil discourse.” I think that means I’m pretty much done engaging in this dialogue for the moment, unless something stated by Nyt or someone else comes up I probably won’t be responding any further as I fear I will possibly get emotionally compromised by the rhetoric or content that will progress from this dialogue.