Mike walked a quick 360 around the bus, no leaks or major damage that he could tell. walking back to the rear, he climbed into the rear door and set up in the seat behind it, putting his backpack in the space between him, and the sidewall. "not the most ideal vehicle, but it will save our feet." he said, with a nod of thanks to Clair as he opened his bag, making sure his rifle was accessable, but reasonably hidden. he frowned as the interior lights flickered and died, but in most cases, it was a good thing, as the interior would be partially obscured. he had just settled into the uncomfortable, rather dirty seat when his AR perked up with a advertisement for some sort of tazer knife from Edward. curious, he pulled the trench knife from its sheath and studied the hilt. the studded knuckles on the knife lent extra weight to his punches, as well as focusing the damage on the points. was it the nicest non-lethal solution?, probably not, but it worked without a battery. the knife slid back into its sheath with a muted rasp and mike sent a quick "thanks but im set for now" response. the discussion about the team setup started, with him being placed into the second wave. "as much as id love to go in early, I don't think a man with an ax would fly under the radar easily. he muttered. "then again, it is the technological apocalypse, stranger things have happened." he mused as he looked out the window keeping an eye outside for any unwanted developments. "ill go where i'm needed I suppose"