“Well…shit…” Sivli muttered as Mika mentioned her health problems, though it made her question just [i]why[/i] someone with her health ‘issues’ would want to become a huntress; her aunt had told her much about her own travel, that she knew huntresses could find themselves away from civilization for extended periods of time…not good if one needed regular medication. But before she could think on that too much more, the other human introduced himself. “Nice to meet you Aiden,” She replied, smiling. “I’ll pass on the apple, but soup sounds good. Was up pretty early and I don’t remember the last time I was in Little Ladle.” Reaching into a pocket, she pulled out one of the latest models of Scroll to check the time and reply to a message. “My stuff isn’t here yet. Managed to sweet talk our driver into dropping it off here after he finishes his rounds; but go ahead, I’ll wait here for you two.”