"So we're dying and going to be reconstructed," Ascot said. "I hear the truth in your words and your voice, Ghost Girl. But I will not change my mind so easily; you are going to have to drag me onto the tracks yourself if you are capable of doing that." [i]Which she might be; I underestimated her.[/i] He looked around, recognizing that except for Zoe, he lacked support. Heck, the others might want to drag Smokey onto the tracks themselves. The boy looked at Tabitha, who had taken the initiative to step up and go to the tracks herself. He looked at Koda, as fascinated as ever. A glance was spared for Tristan and that odd fellow who was talking to himself. Strangely, despite the demands of sanity, none were willing to refuse the Ghost Girl, none were wiling to try and get away. Ascot felt something in him break. His shoulders slumped down, and the young man found himself taking out his cellphone, sending a text to his mother. [i]Mom, I and Zoe will be gone for a while; we'll be back soon, I promise.[/i] Then, he slowly, deliberately walked to the tracks himself, saying, "I can't leave you guys alone to your deaths; can I? Better to be with you, even if it is the end..." [@Daft Monarch][@Redward][@MechonRaptor]