Alexandria Munro had Telsia Murphy answer the call. "This is Teala Masters of the Cerberus. I don't know what Morningstar may have encountered, we separated the Cerberus into three. As we told you our orders are to ensure no ship leaves Bajor's sovereign space. As for the Ferengi not joining Origin, don't make me laugh. Give up your outdated and dangerous preconceptions, Origin throws it all out the airlock. Every species in the universe joins, except the Romulans. The entire Romulan species made the ultimate sacrifice in an effort to stop Origin, they failed spectacularly but it was absolutely beautiful to watch. If the Ferengi really want the merchandise they can come to your station to do their business. If you expect Admiral Ross to help think again. We do not answer to Starfleet, we answer to another military power far in the future with agents throughout time whose only goal is to help other agents sent back in time. How do you think we got the Cerberus? If you don't mind, I don't have time to deal with the Emissary of Death." She cut communications.