[hider=Jeanne][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/X1n6wiF.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Jeanne Forest Race: Experimental BOW Gender and Age: Female/28 Personality: Violent. Jeanne is subject to constant suggestions from a machine embedded into her brain, and just barely manages to restrain herself from day to day in order to avoid just tearing random things apart. History: Lashed together with random bits of machinery, untested enhancements and augmentations, Jeanne Forest was intended to be a great defense against the aberrations raging about on the surface. The general plan, according to files left behind by the people that worked on her body, was for her to act on behalf of the humans and help everyone out. There were a few miscalculations, however, and Jeanne retained some level of her sense of self. She has since escaped, and rebelled against the accursed science that threw her aching, mutilated body together. Abilities/Enhancements: Visible in her imagery, she has a modified arm, capable of putting massive force into its swings. In addition, one of her eyes has been replaced with a targeting system -- mostly useless to her unless she gets her good hand on a firearm. Her body has been made very durable, with an uncomfortable layer of strong material interlaced alongside her muscle and bone. Gear: She isn't carrying anything, to begin with. Faction: Surface Resistance [hider=Ashe][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gsGlsfP.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Name: Ashe Forest Race: Human Gender and Age: Female/25 Personality: Ashe is a polite, sweet girl, but she has no qualms with taking down things that are a threat to herself or people she cares about. History: After having her sister taken away for whatever purpose, Ashe became rather depressed. She wanted to know what exactly became of her sister, and after learning about the experiments, she simply could not support Lord Justice. She remained on the surface after catching a ride with a group on the way there, and joined up with her sister to fight back. Abilities/Enhancements: Good old human ingenuity. Ashe has a very quick mind and notices some things others do not -- minute details that most would pass over as irrelevant. Gear: One semi-automatic gun, borrowed from another resistance member. Faction: Surface Resistance Willing to alter or add to these wherever needed.