By now, Oriel was already greatly appreciating Arno's service as he devised a far better plan than either her or Sidero had. Mira's notion to move to safety was a work in progress as Oriel hoisted the wagon wall up as a shield. Her hands were armored, so the best a shot could do would be to break a finger or two, given that gauntlets were kind of awesome like that. [color=FF4848][b]"Go!"[/b][/color] she shouted, taking a step out and raising the shield to protect herself and those behind her. She could only hope that they follow through with her...They needed to treat Mira's wound quickly or risk her injury aggravating. She'd advance at sufficiently slow speeds to ensure that Mira, Telius, Sidero, and Arno were protected from any initial volleys, although lobbed shots would likely still be an issue. As two arrows thunked against the wagon wall, Oriel thought back to one of the most important things she learned from her father: Never break formation. Two more would thunk, but their defensive train line would continue. So long as those behind her advanced, that is.