Sabine turned her head up to look at Meesei with a small measure of surprise. It wasn't often that she heard Meesei declare Sabine's superiority in an area of magic, however esoteric it might be. Janius huffed a laugh. "It's a clever trick, Sabine. And just what we needed. Good thinking." Sabine nodded in thanks. "It was Ahnasha's idea." "Getting back to our plans, how would we prove anything?" Fendros lifted his palms in a shrug. "I doubt they would stop to study how the towers work. And anything about the spread of lycans from our end could be dismissed as lies as well." He crossed his arms. "If they think we're out to spread lycanthropy across Tamriel, simply [i]not[/i] doing that wouldn't say much." "We do not have to prove that," Sabine said between breaths. She put her hands on her knees and sat up straight. "We have to prove what Vile wants. Attacks on Talos or..." She swallowed. "...proof that they are infecting people."