[hider=Too Long]The system is both to encourage crazy ideas, but also limit the 'one-man-army' syndrome. At the very end-game, than yes, having stats not detriment each other is important. But that's a [i]very[/i] distant future that we are looking up at. I think that there are many factors to think about, as [@Eklispe] has said, before we determine what is 'ideal' or not. In my opinion, I think 'weaknesses' is key in the narrative function I'm trying to achieve in this roleplay. Part of anything 'EPIC' is in the struggles of the characters, hence why no one is the 'Main' character here. You're all part of a 'Cast' of characters. The specialization and choice of deviation, is to encourage team-play. I need to make characters have clear weaknesses, yet also defined strengths, otherwise it wouldn't be a very good group-roleplay. From the beginning, I made raising stats difficult, so that players also have to make difficult choices. But each choice, whether in DEX, END, STR, or SPI is made to be meaningful, due to how crazy the progression system actually works. Take the scenario described earlier as an example, with muscle dude and dinky wizard. Both are highly specialized characters that have clear weaknesses, but also clear strengths. The muscle dude can zoom across the battle field in a blink and just ONE PUNCH MAN a monster with his insane STR, then fall flat tired, while the dinky wizard has the ability to send the very mountains they stand on into the planets core, granted it might take a long time. Both have shitty END, so they only have one shot and very little room to make mistakes, but still, it is one damn [b]impactful[/b] thing they can both do. Even a pure DEX character, who might seem useless without any STR, can have ways to swing a battle with just their god-like precision alone. For example, with high enough DEX, a character can back-flip off a massive structure while shooting a bow/gun through a perfectly lined opening in the cracks and windows of said structure, to head-shot a moving target on the other side. All without any other stats. Just don't expect them to fare well landing. Hell, if you wanna be a tank boss and go full END, feel free to go ahead. You'll be like Araragi from Bakemonogatari, and just comically regenerate all manner of damage, if not flat out resist it. Though you'll also deal no damage in return, mind you. Of course not everyone is gonna be this extreme. All I'm trying to say, is that each point counts and it's gonna impact how you play immensely. No matter where it goes. And you know what, despite the crazy flaws of these wacky play-styles, I still think all of these are perfectly viable. Why? Because you won't be alone. Remember you have friends, a team behind you that will cover your weaknesses. If you happen to still find yourself alone and helpless to the slaughter, that probably was your own fault anyway. So I encourage you guys to do whatever you want. There is a pro and con, no matter what. The Bosses your characters will encounter outclass any individual, specialized or not, in terms of raw power by leagues, [i]miles[/i] even. In the end, you will need, dare I say, the power of 'friendship' to overcome the impossible. But I've also made sure that each person has the opportunity for a shining moment, whatever it is they choose to do. The stats may be a way of limiting your characters, but it is because of these limits that instances of creativity can truly be appreciated. Sheesh, and we haven't even included unique spells, items, abilities into this mix...[/hider] TLDR; GM went on a rant again. Ignore if you don't want an in-depth explanation of how the stats work and how the overall narrative is built around this system. In the end, the power of friendship will win, not the stats. Though the stats will help.