No contractor? A shame that was - however in a sense, the freedom was delightful... Yet the loneliness was crippling. Donnerhardt adjusted the small girl in his grasp, his mood lightening considerably at the thought of a club. "Oh?" He chimed, "Such a pleasant idea, I will consider it- most definitely!" His free hand raised to wave at Wakefield, though it soon wandered into the pocket of his shirt to pull out another cigarette. He let it sit between his lips as he set Delphia down, finding it a struggle to maneuver around his pockets with only one hand. "Now, kin of kin," Donnerhardt began as he lit the cigarette with a sleek silver lighter, "It was quite rude of you to snap like that." "I care very little." Delphia turned her head away from him as she smoothed her clothing out. "But if you would like it in a more casual manner; The amount of fucks I give is next to nothing." "Language! We are in a school and you are only seventeen - do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He looked her over, his expression clearly bewildered as he took a brief drag of his cancer stick. "You ought to scrub your mouth out with soap and water." He resumed his stride, Delphia in pursuit as they simply followed the flow of the crowd. "Stop walking so fast, not everyone has long disgusting legs like you." The girl would demand, though to her dismay he refused to do so, teasing her as he picked up his pace. "Donnerhardt! Halt! [i]Bitte[/i]."