Most of the nervousness Nemo felt began to fade away when he started to hear a faint heartbeat. Her body wasn't cold either, as he felt a slight warmth on his cheek as he listened for the pitter-patter of her heart. The sound of her voice afterwards caused him to let out a small sigh of relief. He picked his head up from her chest, now using his hand to shade his eyes from the sun. [color=c0c0c0]"Strange, that's what I thought too..."[/color] He replied, completely serious and squinting slightly from the brightness as he looked down to her face. One might wonder what Nemo's vacation plans looked like, Siberia maybe? [color=c0c0c0]"Are you hurt?"[/color] He asked. [color=c0c0c0]"That wave hit us pretty hard, I'm really sorry Raiya. I didn't have anything of a high enough caliber to protect us all properly."[/color] Nemo added, sounding genuinely downcast over it. [color=c0c0c0]"In the past I've often only ended up improving my absorption related barriers. Generic physical ones were always an afterthought."[/color] Nemo looked away from her, turning back to the shoreline and the debris.[color=c0c0c0] "If you aren't hurt, we should try to find the rest of our team post-haste. Otherwise I could always carry you some more?"[/color] He suggested, scratching his head to free particles of sand from his hair. [color=c0c0c0]"Time is of the essence here, if we survived that wreck, then the two Fathers probably fared even better than us. And I'd certainly want to get my hands on that paragon before them. If it's even here that is. "[/color] Nemo finished.