[center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVfB_QjIGLk] [h2][I] Prelude to Chaos [/I][/h2][/url] [H3] Location Unknown [/h3][/center] [hr] "You all have your missions. I expect flawlessness as always. Understood?" There was murmured agreement, the nodding of heads, with one figure remaining stoic. "Travel in pairs, with the one exception. I will be along shortly after. Let the beginning of my Ascension commence. You shall be rewarded for your successes." [hr] [Center][H2] Introduction to Despair [/h2] [H3] Alex - The Southern Docks [/h3][/center] [hr] Alex looked around with a sigh. Two weeks had passed since the Behir incident, and she'd been struggling with finding that personal confidence again ever since. Roxana talked with her regularly, but action was required. Action was her peace, her mantra, her life. It was where she flourished, defeating the evils of the City with powers that weren't offensively based. And ever since that meeting with Guilt, Alex had been on edge. A shiver crawled up her spine, the tingle extending through the hair on the nape of her neck, traveling like electricity through her limbs at the thought. She patrolled constantly, taking breaks only to rest, refuel, and catch up with her friend. If something happened, she [I] needed [/I] to be the first to discover it. She had to be the one to stop it, she insisted to herself. No one else caught the little details. Now she stood on the southern docks, a heavy fog rolling in from the relatively calm water, with no light but the stars and artificial light from the City to brighten her steps as she walked slowly onward. The slap of water, creak and groan of wood, and the faint sounds from the City being her only companions. Not that she knew they were there. She could only guess at what sounds were playing their joyless tune around her. Something changed in the air, or perhaps in herself. A small shift, things became too still, and she stopped walking to look around slowly. [I] It's been a long time, [/I] a voice resonated in her mind. She froze, wide eyed, as she could swear she could [I] hear [/I] the voice. His voice. Alex looked around again, spying a figure walking through the mist. She could faintly make out what appeared to be a schoolgirls outfit. A light breeze pushed the fog from their face, revealing a disturbing image. It was Alex's own face, twisted and defiled into something sinister. Something innately [I] wrong [/I]. The eyes sparked with malevolent light, as a grin slowly spread across the face, stretching the skin tight. Alex instinctively stepped backwards, only to find her body wouldn't move. Couldn't move. The figure stepped ever closer, leering like the insane, before stopping and raising it's arms as if to hug her. Another voice whispered in Alex's mind, and again she felt as if she heard it with her ears. [I]I have waited long to meet the illustrious Alexandria Newt. I've been ever so bored, and I think this will help weather the blight upon my mind. Tell me, how does it feel to be devoid of that little piece that makes you special? [/I] The voice was distinctively female, and sounded incredibly bored. "Who are you? What are you?" Alex managed to speak up. [I] Can't you tell? I'm your own personal hell. But that's alright, because I've brought your personal demon. Let us rip out your heart and burn your mind, cut you open like a pig's hide.[/I] A crackle of blue light appeared behind the figure, blinding in the darkness, seeming to tear open the very air. Another two figure stepped out, one drifting away into dust moments later. The new figure walked forward in a black suit with a stunningly bright white tie. The newcomer stopped just closer than the first had, and their face was a black mask with white cracks along the surface. And the eyes shining from beneath... "NO!" Alex screamed, her voice breaking into a sob. "You can't be here. You can't exist. You're [I] dead [/I]!" [I] That's a terrible way to greet your only brother, Alex.[/I] He said in a disappointed tone, a slight clicking of his tongue at the end. [I] The eldest is supposed to have better manners, I thought. Isn't that what mother always told you? [/I] "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Alex choked out. Her body still ignoring her commands was the only thing keeping her standing at this point. [I] But sister, it's been too long. Do Mom and Dad know you wear that out and about? And I see you kept my sword. But you can keep that thing, I've had better made. [/I] At the mention, the figure drew a sword from his back, the metal impossible to see in the darkness except for a glint as light from the City caught its edge. In a blur of movement the point appeared in front of her left eye, mere millimeters from her pupil. It moved slowly, tracing her cheek in an absurd mockery of a caress of cold metal. "Wh-what do you want?" [I] To remind you of your greatest failure. Of the day you let me die. I never got to thank you for that. Because of your worthless act, or rather lack of action, I was reborn into something much greater.[/I] "I tried! I tried to save you, but-" [I] But you failed, and you let me die. You didn't even try to avenge my death. If not for my own power Awakening, I would have died. Because of you. Because you were weak.[/I] "No..." Alex protested feebly. She gasped lightly as the blade traveled down her neck, drawing blood. [I] Enough. You failed like you failed when you were kidnapped. You let those men defile you. You let me die. You let Pyprus get away. But me? I never failed. And I'll even be nice and give you a chance at redemption.[/I] "How?" The blade stopped at her collarbone, the flat side tapping against her in time with her frantic heartbeat. [I] Join us. Join our cause to fix this world and right the wrongs. For once not be a failure. And in return, we can fix your hearing. We can fix you. [/I] Alex closed her eyes, a river of tears falling from her face. [I] You have until tomorrow to decide. I'll be back. And sis? Don't disappoint me.[/I] [I] Be a hero for once in your life,[/I] the woman's voice added. The blade lifted and the figures disappeared in the bright blue light. Finally Alex fell to her knees, shudders running across her body, as she sobbed over a mixture of emotions. Hours passed before she could stand. Defeated on an emotional level, she walked home slowly, a red line on her face and an open cut down her neck. [I] Be a hero for once in your life [/I] resonated in her head the entire way. Picking up her phone, she look at the last text from Rox. [Right][I] Don't forget Charlotte and I think you're awesome, stay safe! [/I][/right] She felt like she was spiraling down, ever deeper. What was she supposed to do? Choose between two people she loved, two sides of the same coin? Alex fell onto the bed, and cried until she knew no more.