Clarence was of course not truly expecting the very debris kicked up by their battle to suddenly uproot themselves and fly at him. For all of his suspicions about Mimring's survival that was all they were – suspicions. Up until now all he had been trying to do was find out for certain if the dragon yet lived. And as the first piece of debris started flying under a power not his own the answer to his question was revealed. However Clarence was already behind a large membrane of his cold plasma and the method he planned to employ to destroy the temple was oddly enough not the worst thing to defend against random flying debris. Namely that as the membrane grew in size Clarence had reshaped its mass into a dozen or so large tentacle-like appendages and several dozen smaller ones. The smallest pieces of debris were of no concern – they simply burned away against the plasma membrane. But against the larger pieces whose sheer mass did not lend to such quick disposal Clarence countered by lashing out with tendrils of condensed Magma Blossom Bombs in all directions. This turned his cold plasma membrane into what was essentially a plasma flail that lashed the larger sections of debris repeatedly while rotating. That rotation was quick and only increased in tempo as the debris assault continued – each lash leaving behind a burning ball of plasma that helped break down the larger pieces of debris. As each strike also left behind said burning balls of plasma for a few seconds afterwards the continued assault ultimately aided in Clarence's defense. Undaunted, what pieces of debris got past his cold plasma defense would run afoul of his Subversion Field and the Arctic Flames Clarence was once again gathering behind the veil of plasma which surrounded him. The flail itself continued on its original mission – striking and destroying much of the temple floor, supports, and roof that Clarence could reach. Behind that flail however Clarence had kneeled slightly as he tapped the ground with his staff. The Arctic Flames were gathering in such quantities that it would seem to the outside observer as if he intended to encase himself behind a wall of azure flames. Clarence was still not sure where exactly Mimring was but now that he understood the dragon was still out there he was more determined than ever to kill and dissect it. Slipping back into Time Alter: FBF to gather as much of his Arctic Flames to himself as was possible – Clarence waited for Mimring's next trick.