[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24]World Narrative[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] And so we begin. Cases are listed below with the people involved. Those who do not have cases, you are to post normally for your characters. The town is fully awake now and people are heading towards Breakfast, those not on duty and did not come to say goodbye to James. It is probably best if you tend to your duties. If you are a lead not on a case, you have your usually morning routine to do now. If you are not a lead, you still have work to do. Newnan just lost several people. If you have worked with one of those that has left, they will have open jobs that need to be covered - if you were secondary to them you may want to lend a hand. The over all felling in the is one of shock and people are pretty down right now. Yet the town has been through down turns before where they have lost people. The weather is warming up and the snow is melting quickly. That is going to leave a lot of slush, and gunk on the roads. Yet coats really aren't needed anymore. The temp is climbing quickly and in the Newnan area it is already in the 60's. [b]Case Name:[/b] Oh Shit! Miss Sally! [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Save the old bat! [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Who else knows everything? [b]Recruiting:[/b] Seriously? [b]Time:[/b] Clock is ticking - T-minus... You'll see [b]Group:[/b] Froggy, Ash, Jack, Niesha, Miss Sally, Ravi, Chloe [hider] Okay, shit has hit the fan. People are walking off to do their thing and some haven't noticed what is going on with Miss Sally. Some have but know better than to try to get in the way of the medical team. Ash is able to get ahold of Miss Sally and keep her from falling over. Jack has been ordered to find a means of transportation. There are a couple of options. One is the old red pick up they keep by the gate. Jim has the keys. The other is Tatiana's wheel chair but do you really want to push a woman this sick in a chair like that while running over icy streets? Up to you. Froggy is stating that Niesha's assessment is correct. Miss Sally is showing all the classic signs of a heart attack. From the looks of it, it is serious but apparently isn't a widowmaker. Miss Sally is still breathing and conscience. If it was a widow maker she would be dead by now. Granted she is a tough old bird. The seven of you are making this a large case, so you will have 14 days RL time to complete this case. The case will end with either the death of Miss Sally or getting her stable. I will be rolling behind the scenes and send out the PM to you all once I am done with this to start it. We are going to try to get Miss Sally from the front outer gate into the infirmary. There might be surgery involved. Who knows at this point. What time passes in RP will be announced once we finish.[/hider] [b]Case Name:[/b] Clean up Isle 13, Death! [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Get those bodies buried [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Cleaning up the mess [b]Recruiting:[/b] Bitch please [b]Time:[/b] Covering 2 hours Rp time currently - job will not be finished this round [b]Group:[/b] Meg, Amelia, Tiffany [hider=My Hider] Okay, you have a lot of work to do. Some has been done so pick up where you left off with the clean up. Now, the house where Sana and Bryn died is a mess, that is a known. The street where James dragged out Richard is as well. Thing is there is a third mess - inside of the Repair shop. That is where everything went down with James and Richard. That is gonna have to be cleaned up. This round, get any bodies that are not already moved over to the grave yard just so they are not out and about with kids running around. The street is probably going to be the fastest, easiest, and best first option for a real clean up. Again, kids and blood. There is no hose to reach where the body was dropped but over in agricultural there are large jugs that they use for watering that you can hand pump and spray. It can be turned up for a more concentrated stream if you like. Meg would have most likely used these in the spring and fall in Domestic to pressure wash shit from time to time. With all the work Meg has done in Domestic, she will know that if she adds some salt from the kitchen to the water it will help melt the ice chunks a bit faster as well - easier to wash the blood and brain mater away with. There is a sewer drain near the curb in front of the repair shop they should be able to wash all the gunk down - if they clear it out. Shovels are in Agriculture. You have 7 day IRL time to complete this part of the case. So get together in a PM and begin. Meg being a lead will not need to get approval to use the items mentioned. She simply signs the papers on clip boards hanging up in the respective areas to let others know she checked out or used certain items and why. [/hider] [b]Case Name:[/b] Into the Wilderness [b]Lead Reason:[/b] James Exile [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Is there one? [b]Recruiting:[/b] If we find people, maybe [b]Time:[/b] 1 hour Rp time [b]Group:[/b] James, Gavin, Beatrice, Ryan [hider=My Hider] On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again. Yeah fucking right. Okay you peeps. 4 are outside the wall now and trying to make their way south. Thing is, it is never THAT easy. LMAO! I have already rolled what streets are open and what you all can get through. We are going to be able to move but we aren't.... well you will see as we type this up. This is a pretty straight forward case. We are trying to get away from Newnan. James has a destination in mind. Whether Chocolate Thunder tells us or not is a whole different enchilada. We will cover 1 hour in RP time during this Case. This case is going to remain our case until something changes, we run across people, or we get to our destination. We will have 7 days IRL time to get this first portion of our case up. I will pm you with the start. [/hider] [b]Case Name:[/b] This Old House [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Coffee Cups [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Crumpets and Tea [b]Recruiting:[/b] Do you really want to bring back more to Thalia and Lola? [b]Time:[/b] 1 hour Rp time [b]Group:[/b] Alexander [hider=My Hider] You have a case but unlike the others, you have no one else to collab with. This is both a good and a bad thing. Bad because you have no one to bounce things off of, or trip of a walker comes at you. Good because you don't have to worry about anyone slowing you down. That is, except me! I will be making rolls on this one. So let us start... 2 Temple Avenue is the address and this is the actual house - [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/0f2f03ff-287c-4018-8e00-bc579d18f7ae.jpg]Ain't is pretty?[/url]. The doors knob turns but it isn't opening. This door probably hasn't been open in a very long time. It feels like it wants to move but it isn't. At least not for a while. You will eventually get it open but it will take either one hell of a kick or a shoulder check to. Inside the house is dark. The windows were curtained a long time ago with blankets and bed sheets. So if you want light you will need to get those down. There are several rooms from what you can tell with the light now coming in through the open front door. You are in a wide living room area that keeps going to the right. On the left is an open door that leads to another room but you can't see in it yet. Straight forward you can see two more door ways, one on the left and one on the right - both are closed. At the end of the hall the hardwood floors change to tile. You can easily figure that is the kitchen area. Now, as you move to each room - drop me a line for a roll to see if a Walker shows up or something else. Other than that - start your search. Each time you search any room, let me know and I will roll to let you know what, if anything, you find. Drop me pm's for this. You have 7 days IRL time to finish searching the house and get this posted. (Getting back to the girls will wait until the next round, so don't worry about leaving the house before the end of the post.) [/hider] [b]Case Name:[/b] Agriculture 101 [b]Lead Reason:[/b] Thana taking charge [b]Secondary Reason:[/b] Getting to know Thana [b]Recruiting:[/b] No [b]Time:[/b] 1 hours RP time [b]Group:[/b] Thana, Kris [hider=My Hider] Thana has a lot to look over. She will need to look over the stores, the fields, the walls, the medical garden, the green house, and will want to tour the rest of the town while she is at it. This case is pretty simple and will basically her getting to know the area some, getting to know Kris, and Kris getting to know her. We have 7 days IRL time to cover this. There is no real end point, just however far we get in the next week via collab will do. We are just covering an hour. If we get more than that, we will cut off at the hour and start a second one as the other half. With it being only two people it will be a good chance for some character development as well as those two getting a feel for each other. Make sure to check up on the supply list and such in the original OOC, so if Thana has questions, Kris is on the ball. I will pm you the start. [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=598527]Lola Holler[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://cdn1-www.afterellen.com/assets/uploads/2015/10/tankgirl.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] North Of Newnan (Veterans Memorial Park - Corner of Temple Ave. & Jackson St.)[/center][hr] Lola watched as Alexander handed Thalia a radio and then wandered off. She looked over at her traveling buddy and chuckled to herself. [color=598527]"Now is he as bat shit crazy as I am or is that just senility setting in?"[/color] she asked before blowing a large bubble with her gum and it popping on her face. Slowly pulling the edge of it from the tip of her nose she shoved it back into her mouth and kept chomping away. Shrugging to herself she climbed into the tank and grabbed her bag before coming back up with it in hand. Flopping down in her chair she began to rummage through it. Shoving her toothbrush in her mouth, she brushed her teeth with one hand as she dug out her baby wipes and her make up in the other. It was all part of her usual morning routine. She was probably the only woman left on the planet that went traipsing through the apocalypse driving a tank with perfect wing eye liner and ruby red lips. But hey a girl had her priorities! Sad fact of the matter was, Lola probably spent more time raiding drug stores for Cover Girl than for medicine but she was all about the morale it seemed. It was easier to be hungry if you knew you were looking fierce. Something about being horribly dolled up made her feel like she could still conqueror the world. Though, anyone with half an eye for fashion would call her a hot mess, but then again the only word Lola would hear was HOT! [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/15538670_1799587316995431_8758437261512540160_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQwNzYyMDA2MzI5Njc1NzI0MA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Outer Gate[/center][hr] Tatiana gulped a bit as she spotted Miss Sally but she knew there was nothing she could do. Ash was ordering Jack to do stuff. She wanted to be there for her but she knew there were far better people taking control of the situation. [color=a187be]"Jack, go. I see you home later,"[/color] she said giving his hand a squeeze before taking control of her wheel chair and moving over towards Ray and out of the way. Biting her bottom lip she looked around the crowd and sighed. [color=a187be]"Ray, let's go. Ve start in mess hall? See vho needs talk that can, breakfast good place to start,"[/color] she said before looking back over to Ash with Miss Sally. It made her heart ache to see her like that. They had already lost 3 today, 4 more were basically gone now that they were outside of the wall. They couldn't loose Miss Sally too. She was the heart and Soul of Newnan. The grandmother to everyone there. Tatiana figured there wasn't a single person that woman didn't like in Newnan. She even put up with Ryan without batting a lash and was able to get Richard to calm down more than once. Anyone that could get through to those two was some type of witch. A good witch, like a British Glinda. Swallowing the lump in her throat she started to wheel herself towards the inner gate along the side of the road. It hadn't even passed her mind that Jack might need her wheelchair. She just wanted to get out the way. One hell of a first day of their honeymoon but she wasn't mad. She was just sad so much bad was going on. Yet the ever bubbly ballerina had a smile on her face. James as tough, they would be fine in her mind. Miss Sally was strong and had the best doctor ever, well in Tatiana's mind, tending to her along with a lot of others that were really good at their jobs. If anyone would survive this it would be Miss Sally. Yes, everything was going to be fine.