[hider=Bart J Solomons] [b]Name:[/b] Bart Solomons [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Origins:[/b] The Bronx, NYC [hider=Current Look] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/06/86/1f/06861f956d57c669434569dc5a85b45a.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Violent, Paranoid, Brooding, Shrewd. [b]Likes:[/b] Fighting, Cheap Drugs, Gambling, Cage Fights, Old Documentaries, Grilled Chicken. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Cops, Gambling Debts, Anti-Semites, Switchblades, Going Hungry, Political Debates. [b]Backstory:[/b] Bartholomew Jacob Solomons was born into a strict Jewish family on the southside of the Bronx. His mother, who was mainly sick due to her diabetes was a hairdresser that worked from home, she was also very religous and would preach scripture to her son to install the fear of god in him to keep him subdued. His father was a city councilmen who had a bad reputation as a drunk and womanizer. Bart hated both of his parents and their neglect lead to him becoming a nasty and resentful boy growing up. Although he was intellectually gifted, his anger issues lead to him getting in constant trouble at school. But because of his father's position in the city he would always avoid serious trouble such as juvenile facilities which lead to the label of him being the 'privileged' kid at his very rough school which in turn would lead to more fights and disruption. At age 14, after attacking his hebrew school teacher with a chair, he was sent to live with Uncle Bobby in Brooklyn, who owned a local fighting gym near the NY underground. Bobby quickly enrolled Bart at the gym to learn boxing as an outlet for his anger issues, which had an interesting effect. Bart loved boxing, he completely embraced the sweet science and it did in fact calm him down, while still cynical, his training and sparring allowed him to keep his temper in check. But while boxing made him less wild, it made him more dangerous. He went from being a scattered explosion to a controlled demolition, he was able to focus his violent tendencies and really hurt people that he had a problem with. After winning a local boxing tournament at 17, the local Russian-Jewish mob hired him as a junior enforcer to their backroom gambling dens, which is where Bart got acquainted not only with high stakes poker and blackjack, but also the criminal element of new york. From that point he never heard from his parents again. until the out break when he was 21 years old, he lived a life of street fighting, collecting gambling debts, and stealing cars. When the outbreak did hit New York, Bart took the breakdown of society fairly well, he was a borderline sociopath to begin with and only really cared about his uncle (who died of cancer 3 weeks before the outbreak). The life of crime and danger in the mob had prepared Bart to be a 'survivor' when the riots and looting started, he was quite happy to use his intimidation and fighting skills to muscle anything he wanted out of people to stay alive in the now hellish city. For 6 years, Bart lived alone, simply stealing everything he needed and surviving as a loner and a thug while dodging the cops (who have a fairly sizable bounty on his head.) But 3 years ago, Bart decided to something constructive with his knowledge and skills and opened up a gambling den in Manhattan, which citizens would visit not only for entertainment, but to gamble rations and resources and try and improve their living. Bart owns the den as the sole enforcer, manager and bookie, establishing a very fierce reputation as the shady backroom figure who 'keeps the numbers running'. Bart Solomons now has his anger under control, and he feels at home. [b]Profession:[/b] Runs 'Solomon's' a gambling den and fight club in Downtown Manhattan (which is just outside of the GNYC) [b]Equipment/weaponry:[/b] Knuckle Dusters, Sawn-Off Shotgun (9 Shells), Pack of Cards, A few cigarettes and lighter. [b]Other:[/b] Solomon's life in the mob has made him a dangerous and skilled criminal. He is proficient in the use of pistols and shotguns, he is an excellent boxer and street fighter and has a lot of experience of breaking into and hot-wiring cars. [/hider]