Well, I'll just leave his profession to be 'Government's Cyber Security Analyst'. I won't go any deeper into the government thing, and I won't be intending to develop his story that way. I just want a reasonable backstory, with a connection to his pretty contrasting personality. The furthest I may go is probably adding his workplace. I'm not good at making CSes, so if I wrote anything that doesn't suit your taste or missed anything, I'll make the necessary adjustment ASAP. [hider=Roland Atenal] [center][h2][color=2e3192]Roland Atenal[/color][/h2] [img]https://fuwanovel.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/G-Senjou-no-Maou-Screenshot-04.jpg[/img] [i][h3][color=2e3192]"I will not interject with you, just do what you want."[/color][/h3][/i][/center][hr] [color=2e3192]Name:[/color] Roland Atenal [color=2e3192]Gender:[/color] Male [color=2e3192]Age:[/color] 22 [color=2e3192]Height:[/color] 174cm [color=2e3192]Weight:[/color] 60kg [color=2e3192]Likes:[/color] -Caring about those he loves -Computers and other technological stuff -Playing random pranks on others, mostly on his close friends -Neutrality [color=2e3192]Dislikes:[/color] -Disloyalty -Those around him hurt or threatened [color=2e3192]Party trick:[/color] He can come up with a variety of mystery questions and scenarios for others to speculate. [color=2e3192]Occupation:[/color] Government's Cyber Security Analyst (working at home)[hr] [color=2e3192]Personality: [/color] Generally a serious person, what defines Roland best is his calmness and rarely fazed attitude. But he also possesses a somewhat prankster and cunning personality, going as far as committing harmless yet illegal activities such as hacking into street cameras or put tracking devices in other people's belongings for his own enjoyment, a trait dated back to his school days. Very intelligent, clever, perceptive and possessing good emotion control, Roland is normally shown to be neutral in everything, preferring to 'go with the flow', but deep inside him, he is very loyal to those who cares about, and secretly tries to manipulate things so that they go their ways, and is willing to stop them from committing any sort of mischief that can cause harm to themselves. When it comes to sociability, he is not active in making friends, but welcomes all who wishes to befriend him. [color=2e3192]Bio:[/color] Back in his days in high school, his cunningness was a lot more wild than it was in the present. Most of which was caused by his boredom with classes. It was a bit too simple for him due to his naturally born perceptiveness. So he decided to keep himself occupied by committing pranks on others for his own enjoyments. This little trait of him carried on for a little while longer until he was in second year university, when one notable event happened, something that changed his career path forever: He was caught hacking into the government's website. The reason for this was simple. While wandering in the website, he found a dangerous hole in the website's security, something that can easily be exploited if found. This resulted in him hacking the website himself, in order to show that to government's officials. That course of action resulted in more trouble than he had expected, as he was tried a few times, but he fortunately escaped a prison sentence, but was drafted into working for the government as an analyst as an exchange. Thanks to the incident, he matured greatly, becoming notably more serious and responsible with his life more. [hr] [color=2e3192]Theme:[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUuQqO3aiaY[/youtube] [/hider]