It took a full minute for the information to sink in and the insistent shards of dread prickling the edges of his mind to be waved off. [color=#baa47f]"Oh,"[/color] he quietly said, mostly to himself. The single expression summed up the myriad of emotions the Ghost Girl's explanation provided; surprise, skepticism, curiosity, realization, worry... but then that was gone again and he was focused. Mind racing to put the new pieces of information together in his mind and investigate every detail for the answers he sought. The biggest question in his mind? [color=#baa47f][i]Will this kill me?[/i][/color] Short answer? Who knows. Long answer? The Girl wasn't normal, he believed that, and science hadn't been able to explain everything before, there were fields that explored spirituality and souls, and some of what was happening here was possible, in theory anyway... It would be just like that time mom suddenly took a year to study in Papua New Guinea and discovered a bacteria that ate cancer cells. Only in this case he'd be jumping in front of a train instead of remote jungle wilderness and instead of genetic engineering or molecular biology he'd be trusting... pseudoscience. Great. Koda liked his body, he worked hard on getting it this way, he didn't want it destroyed. What if when it was reassembled, it wasn't like he wanted it anymore? What if it was...? He looked at the tracks where the last girl to come, the salty one, had already jumped into place, then he looked to the mask. Something stirred in his mind as he stared at the empty glass, it was a feeling of... hunger. His skepticism and worry evaporated and he glanced around at the others with a gleam in his eye. There was power there, and this was a chance to- to [i]know[/i]. He had to know. The grin was unconscious, and as he looked around the dingy subway at the huddled group, Koda knew which side he had chosen. Risk and reward, a basic principle of economics. He hopped down onto the tracks, letting his smile fade and raising a challenging eyebrow at the girl already down there- Tabitha her name was. Let her judge him, let them all judge him, soon he'd have what he wanted or he'd be dead and it wouldn't matter, but for now... he would risk.