Anna was hoping and praying that no one would choose her. Perhaps then maybe she could convince the professor to give her an alternate assignment of some sort. But it seemed her prayers were in vain, because soon she spotted someone walking toward her. The boy from the hub. She could feel her nervousness rise as she stood there, silently pleading for him to change his mind and turn around. Or that he was heading for someone near her and not actually her. But, he stopped in front of her and spoke, her wide blue eyes meeting his gaze, an unsure look on her face as he spoke. He spoke causally to her in greeting before asking her to be his partner. There was a reason she avoided him in the hub. Unlike most guys here at the college who were very vain and full of themselves, he didn't seem to be like that. It reminded her so much of Danny...and it hurt. Danny had died because of her, or well, because of Mira. She didn't want to be the cause of someone else getting killed. She didn't want to get close to someone, only to have something terrible happen to them and have to relive that pain all over again. She would just have to be careful. She couldn't get too close to him. She wasn't meant to have friends or anything of the sort, so she just had to make sure that, if they were partners on this project, that she kept it as just that. Nothing more than partners. She woudl have to keep telling herself that and keeping herself in check. She couldn't hide away forever and had to learn to control her emotions, no matter how hard it was. Keeping herself distanced, but at the same time being able to work with others, was something she needed to practice, and here she had a chance to do just that. Taking a deep breath in attempt to calm herself, she looked to him, meeting his gaze once more, speaking quietly, a slightly unsure expression on her face as she spoke, "I...ummm, sure? I suppose we partners that is." She could feel her heart racing in her chest, her nerves over whelming her senses. No. She had to stay calm. She couldn't let anything happen here, in front of so many people. She couldn't let the horror of that night repeat itself. Taking a few deep breaths, she spoke again, looking up to him, "My name's Annabella. Or...well...Anna for short. If it's easier for you that is." Maybe going to a place that wasn't so crowded would make her feel better. There were plenty of places to go. The library, study rooms, even some of the restaurants around the food hub woudl be quiet and less crowded than this packed room of students, "Should we....go somewhere? To talk about what our project will be about?"