[quote=@luna558] [@The Jest] Appearance: [img]https://bdmalphatest.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/tom-ford-suit-summer.jpg?w=474[/img] Name: B.A.L.T.H.: Bioengineered Armored Lost Traveler's Helper Race: Robotic Age:7 years but modeled as a man in his late twenties Gender: Modeled as male Job: Pilot Weapons: These hands! And a pistol. Abilities: Scan area for life forms, Pilot vehicles, Personality: Frickin sass bot 2,000 Short bio: He's a robot made to help lost travelers. And if the time need be (which it is) He can pilot! And of course, he has that Hal 9000 voice from [i]2001: A Space Odyssey[/i] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARJ8cAGm6JE[/url] But don't worry! Balth won't lock the pod bay doors on you while you try and save Franks body from deep space without your space helmet forcing you to use Franks! [/quote] This is fine enough. Please place him in the CHAR section. ^^ Also, His new nickname is "Ball".