[img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/e/e3/House_Targaryen_%28Rhaenyra%29.svg/545px-House_Targaryen_%28Rhaenyra%29.svg.png[/img] [hider=Princess Rhaenyra] [img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/0/0c/Young_rhaenyra_targaryen.jpg[/img] [i]A young Rhaenyra Targaryen, The Realm's Delight[/i] [b][u]Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen[/u][/b] Unlike most noble or royal women of Westeros, Rhaenyra was raised with the expectation of rule. The only living child by her father's first marriage, and thus his only child to be more than half-Valyrian by blood, she was named his heir by the age of eight. At the time, this snubbed Prince Daemon, the King's brother, and later his father's new wife and her sons. Charming and beautiful in her youth, Rhaenyra has been known as the realm's delight, even though she could be quick to anger and unforgiving in her grudges. In her youth, Rhaenyra proved the epitome of a Targaryen heir, she first rode her dragon, Syrax, at the age of seven, and became her father's cupbearer only a year later, proving as charming at court as one might expect. From then on, it was rare to see the King without Princess, even after, following the death of her mother and would-be brother in childbirth, Rhaenyra was named Princess of Dragonstone. During these years, Rhaneyra became particularly smitten with two men in general, firstly her uncle Daemon, who was always sure to bring her gifts from his travels, despite the snubbing of his inheritance that Rhaenyra represented. Ser Criston Cole, equally became a staunch ally of Rhaenyra after his admittance to the Kingsguard, when he crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty at tourney. From then on he wore her favour, and was named her personal protector. Such was her headstrong nature, Rhaneyra only considered her proposed marriage to Laenor Velaryon after her father threatened to withdraw her inheritance should she refuse, one of the only times King Viserys ever considered the notion. Despite this, their three children were dark of hair, surprising given that both Rhaenyra and Laenor were Valyrian of feature. The most prominent of her notorious grudges has been her conflict with her step-mother, after King Viserys refused to clarify on the succession after the birth of his sons to the new queen, a previously strong relationship between Princess and Queen grew sour, resulting in the creation of two informal factions, the Greens and the Blacks, the latter for Rhaenyra, at court. In the early days of this factional conflict, the Princess seemed to have the upper hand, knights sworn for her being more successful at tourney, but that was while the King still lived. With the deaths of the spouses of both herself and her Uncle Daemon, Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon have more recently been married, away from court and without the permission of King Viserys, this drove yet another issue between the royal brothers, but they did reconcile, no small part due to the efforts of the King's favourite daughter. The latter, more recent marriage, has been to her uncle, Prince Daemon, and unlike their brothers, Aegon and Viserys appear the full bloom of Valyria. While still young, these continued pregnancies have had their effect on the Princess, her body growing thicker, even if she has yet to lose the innate youthfulness and beauty of the Valyrian dynasty. When her father died, Rhaenyra was away from court, having been confined to Dragonstone for the birth of her sixth child, thus making it impossible to become involved in the immediate politicing following the death of Viserys I. [u]Sons[/u] Jaecarys Lucerys Joffrey Aegon Viserys [/hider] [hider=Jaecarys Velaryon] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36400000/The-White-Queen-BBC-image-the-white-queen-bbc-36423876-500-326.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Lucerys Velaryon] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/74e89de8d3a5a2cb6d7ae98f264a36a1/tumblr_n7ykkfIKdE1sz9repo3_r1_400.png[/img] [/hider] ((A little short right now, but won't be on much for the coming week, so tried to get what I could out))