[color=ed1c24]"Don't worry, I'll clean it later. Lets just drink our tea for now, or it'll get cold, shall we?"[/color] Nameless just nodded and sat down. "[color=0072bc]Uhm... you won't need to clean it! Please... let me clean it as it is my mess I made. Ich entschuldige mich vielmals[/color]" Now Genesis hoped to have broken the ice as it still seemed to be there for him. He used to speak msny different languages as he loved to travel and learn new things. Now he grew tired and wanted to mske a friend. A friend and a home would bring change in Genesis life, so he hoped. As he reached for the cup with tea, he smelled and took a short nip. "[color=0072bc]I can understand your feeling about speaking in mother tounge after a long time... or other languages[/color]", he smiled underneath his mask. His voice was softly and pleasuring to hear. "[color=0072bc]I don't even know if I am still able to talk in my mother tounge... as I never speak it with humans or other crearures, but only with my kind.[/color]" [@13org]