Well I should have specified. By being critical I meant I'd call out a leftist for being wrong as much as someone who was right wing. I don't think all right wing people are Nazis, or all republicans are Nazis. Hell, Trump doesn't even really fit the definition of a republican, yet he ran on the ballot as one. I dislike Trump a lot, but as I said I got nothing against conservatives/republicans. I actually am a huge fan of George Bush Jr. A lot of Late Night shows are borderline left propaganda at this point, for instance. I liked them at first because they were anti-Trump, and gave us info Trump wouldn't want talked about. But slowly they're trying to work up a political base instead of being unbiased. I was telling my friend the other night, that you can't call what they do 'satire' anymore. Because satire is giving info and making it funny, while throwing spitballs at people who deserve it. Instead they're pushing an agenda now, and rousing up a crowd. Against Nazi's, I am completely fine with. But against right wing people for thinking different, I am not.