"Silly? What is considered acceptable in one era may not be in another," Al'nehak replied bluntly with a tinge of restraint anger in her voice. "In my time necromancy was extremely restricted or even banned. For better or worse, in all of Arlina there wasn't a single prominent necromancer when I was alive. It was considered a dangerous and corrupting art. People fear what they do not understand. I tried to bring light to that subject, devoting much of my life to studying necromancy to enlighten my people about it. Nothing good came out of it. That being said, it would be appreciated if you did not bring up what was clearly a private conversation to everyone else's attention. If I wanted my question known to everyone in this room I'd say it aloud." She turned her attention back to Madam Royce. "One more thing I guess. You've made preparations for our coming. Would it be a stretch to say you will supply us with anything we request to deal with this problem to the east?"