[hider=VI] [img]https://boygeniusreport.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/digital-face-internet.jpg?quality=98&strip=all&w=1200[/img] [/hider] Directives: 1. Protect host 2. Control lock out to foreign iquiries 3. **Classified** Skills: Lock picking/ chemistry/ physical security/ electrical engineering/ computer programming/ cyber security/ demolition/ mechanical engineering/ infiltration/ micro expression comprehension/ Medical/ linguistic translator/ Tai chi/ krav magra/ edge weapons/ semiautomatics/ rifles/ shotguns/ Weapon smith/ land navigation/ tracking/ forensics The A.I. can take over the biological component with permission or if the body is in imminent threat. The A.I. then activates the body via a connection at the base of the brain stem. Using the subjects own spine as a signal receptor to the muscles. The A.I. will activate if the subject is rendered unconscious. VI has used this to activate itself during the host resting cycle. [hider=**Classified**] VI detected the issue of Low spinal fluid in the system within the first twelve hours of activation. It was directive three. Never to tell host that it was designed with a built in fail safe. While installation of the cybernetics the scientist created a nano cybernetic that would create a controlled leak of spinal fluid. The answer was the other two cybernetics. A pair of hypodermic needles located in the canines of the subject. The other a storage tank about the size of a kidney. With out a constant supply of spinal fluid at regular intervals the subject dies. Only during mission would the subject be allowed to replenish what the bodies need. During prolonged periods of storage the subject would receive necessary amounts for the institution. Exoskeleton: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/43/18/54/4318546144012390b22d9f518b13be65.jpg[/img] [/hider]