[Hider=Aleksander Slavik]Name: Aleksander Slavik Age: 47 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: [hider=In armor(Large Image)][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20061222141110/cnc/images/4/4d/Black_Hand_TW3.jpg[/img][/hider] Outside of his armor, he is a clean shaven man of eastern European descent. Despite his age his constant exercise and meditations make him extraordinarily fit and appear youthful. He is 5’11” tall and has burn marks and scars in various locations around his body, a reminder of his victories in the Third and Fourth Tiberium war. Personality: Likes to face problems head on with little regard for caution, though he will practice caution should an action be suicidal. Does not tolerate incompetent or useless allies and will try to alter this behavior through any means deemed necessary. Biography: Aleksander has been with the Black Hand since nearly the start of his military career. His loyalty to the Brotherhood of Nod and his stamina made him an ideal candidate for the hazardous and extreme training required. Those that survived were deemed worthy of the elite status and gear provided to the devout. He first saw action in 2052 when the Black Hand aided the Marked of Kane with securing the Tacitus from the G.D.I. complex in the Rocky Mountains and succeeded despite facing fierce resistance and nearly a tenth of all G.D.I. armed forces being amassed in bunkers underneath the mountains. Since then he quickly rose to the rank of Archdeacon for his service and feats to the Brotherhood. The last thing he remembers before waking up in the field was defending the last Threshold tower from Rouge G.D.I. in 2077. Aleksander fought viciously with his brothers as G.D.I.’s offensive crumbled, not even their prototype Arcus Bomber succeeded in breaching Nod’s defenses. Shortly after, with the tower fully powered, a massive anomaly appeared centered from within the tower creating a portal to an unknown location. The resulting energy caused a shockwave that rippled for miles knocking Aleksander into a wall rendering him unconscious. That brings him to when he woke up. He found himself in a field surrounded by strange creatures he has never seen before. Some bears resemblance to humans in some way, others not so much. On his hand, he felt heat. This, on closer inspection, revealed to be a branding of the Black Hand insignia with a faint red glow. With little clue on why or how he arrived here, he is not keen on staying far from his brothers. For the first time in decades, even with these other beings near him, he feels alone. Class: Black Hand [hider=mark][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/cnc/images/0/03/CNCKW_Black_Hand_Logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20110611193132[/img][/hider] Gift: Pyrokinesis- Though Aleksander has limited ability to create fire; he demonstrates extraordinary control over the physical properties of any flame. Which includes but is not limited to; extending the duration, size, and spreading the flames. As a side effect, he is more resistant to fire than a normal Black Hand operative, to the point of being nearly immune. Natural powers: Extreme Stamina - Aleksander rarely tires from exhaustion Heat resistance- Can withstand temperatures upwards of 4500 degrees centigrade Durable- His armor grants great resistance to ballistics and heat based weaponry but a weakness to energy type of attacks. In addition it possesses a minor self-repair function though it is largely useless in combat Extreme heat- His flamethrower is fueled by a specially modified ‘jelly’ mixed with liquid Tiberium. The mixture allows for a slow burn at temperatures exceeding 2500 degrees centigrade. Talents: Can be inspiring to allies and cause fear in others. Adept in CQC and Urban warfare and can craft basic traps. Weaknesses: Any type of energy based attacks or corrosive materials. He lacks the range to effectively engage distant targets. Though his armor provides protection against most environmental hazards, it does not completely protect against extreme hazards such as absolute zero or lack of oxygen. Other: [hider= theme][Youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnZV7lbYpNw&t=27s[/youtube][/hider] [hider=terms]Brotherhood of Nod- Originally a secret society supposedly formed in 1800 B.C. which eventually emerged as a superpower following the discovery of Tiberium in 1995. Since then, the Brotherhood have been ferocious enemies of G.D.I. for the control of Tiberium. Politically, It resembles a religious state with ties to global acts of terror. The main goal of this faction is to spread Tiberium throughout the world and ultimately, ascension. Black Hand- A subfaction of Nod and among the first to follow it's enigmatic leader, Kane. Formed as a covert SpecOps organization responsible for the Brotherhood's wet work. The cult operated in secrecy until the end of the Second Tiberium War. After an internal struggle and briefly breaking away from the Brotherhood, the Black Hand rejoined the Brotherhood shortly before the Third Tiberium War and focused on the revival efforts. During the Third Tiberium War, their doctrine changed from infiltration/sabotage (then granted to the elite Shadow Teams) and focused on becoming the main shock troops of the brotherhood. Since then, they refuse to use stealth as the Black Hand wishes to leave behind a visible example to any surviving witnesses to those who oppose Nod. Marked of Kane- Another subfaction of the Brotherhood. The Marked of Kane is a cult consisting of men and women who sacrificed their bodies and mind to the Brotherhood. Each member undergoes psychiatric treatment to ensure complete loyalty to the brotherhood and devoid them of emotion before receiving cybernetic enhancements. Created in the Second Tiberium War, but was not activated until near the end of the Third Tiberium War due to the Firestorm Crisis when it was activated by the Nod A.I. LEGION. Each one controlled via cyber-nuerological implant devices linked to central "control nodes". Because of their nature, many of the Brotherhood expressed distrust to these 'soulless machines' especially after the recent troubles during the Firestorm crisis. G.D.I. - Global Defense Initiative was formerly the military branch of the United Nations formed on October 12, 1995 before evolving into a supra-national state by 2077. Original goal was to combat global terrorism, primarily caused by the Brotherhood of Nod, before expanding into combating the spread of Tiberium. Tiberium- An alien crystalline material that arrived on Earth via meteor in 1995. It leeches metals and other heavy material out of the soil, concentrating them in crystals which can be easily harvested and processed into usable resources. However it has a deadly effect on the environment and all carbon-based life. Tiberium releases odorless gasses that are very toxic to organic life and in heavy concentrations even emits radiation. Most Humans and animals in contact with Tiberium (however brief) get afflicted with some form of failure to one of the many bodily systems (most often the Immune system) and if not treated will eventually lead to death by some form of total system failure. Should contact between a biological organism and Tiberium occur for at least 20 seconds, the crystals will start to experience Tiberium poisoning. The skin will fuse with Tiberium and ,if not treated immediately, crystals will form until the organism is fully converted into Tiberium leading to death of the subject. However, some individuals have survived prolonged contact with Tiberium and became stronger because of it as well as increased cellular regeneration when in contact with Tiberium. This phenomenon is rare and it is not understood why this occurs. Any Humans that survived are generally shunned and leave the community. Usually they either die off or join one of the mutant tribes (most notably the Forgotten) [url=http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Tiberium]Further Reading[/url] [/hider] [/hider]