Slowly but surely the ball of anxiety – not to mention nerves and a certain fluster Alena was refusing to acknowledge – lessened as the minutes past in the company of her new roommates. Though by no means very large yet the calm of growing familiarity was making it easier, even in only the few moments they had together. Alena blamed fashion choices on starting off so uneven footed. Though, she was still a bit uncertain as Ebbo took the bottle she offered. Nonetheless the redhead padded after him to the connected open space kitchen, unable to help but tilt her head as she spotted the glasses her retrieved. Stylish. Idly she wondered if that was a sign of who sired him, realizing her male roommate hadn’t said who he was the son of. Alena supposed it didn’t matter, just vague curiosity. “[color=f44242]I am sure Cheshire will be no problems. I will keep my door closed when I am not present, so he will not danger himself with my equipment – just in case he wanders.[/color]” Alena took the shot glass offered with a small nod of her head, though her brow did quirk as she added on in what was an attempted teasing tone. “[color=f44242]And I know I was the one who offered the gift, but I hope you do not plan on getting us [i]too[/i] drunk this early in the day. I have not even unpacked.[/color]” A lopsided grin accompanied her words to take any sting out before she raised the onyx shot to her two roommates. “[color=f44242]To getting to know one another,[/color]” Alena toasted, before her head tilted back and she took the high quality shot like a champion. A quick shake of her head and she was fine, taking in the reactions of her two peers. There was a little worry, after all, since from Devi’s words and Ebbo’s brush off Alena had a feeling she was condoning underage drinking. Then again, considering who a lot of students’ parents were she doubted it was a huge issue.