Ansgar shook his head briefly at the retort from the psyker, not continuing to pursue that train of thought. They had work to do, after all, and whether there was ulterior motives in the orkish motives or no, it was really all above the Krieger's need to know. Point him at the heretics and xenos, he would kill them all. That was his job, after all, not like the Inquisitor kept him around for his looks. Once they happened upon the drone, there wasn't much that the Krieger could have said about the situation. It was all above him, drones of any sort were nothing that the Krieg employed, everything was done by hand, whether using tools or literally by hand, so the fact that such things would exist or be used was well and truly beyond anything he could figure out. He would rely on the others expertise in such matters, and kept moving forward after the group moved out again, sweeping and scanning with his Type XIV (Heavy). Upon finding the Orks, Ansgar listened to the orders and nodded, raising the Type XIV (Heavy), training it on his designated Ork. Orders were orders, he would follow them out. Upon the signal, he opened up with a clipped burst of las fire, the weapon overcharging each round and he forced down the recoil, tracking the burst from the top of the Ork head, down the next and back up, ensuring complete vaporization of the Ork's head. Was the overkill necessary? Perhaps, perhaps not, but he'd put the Ork down, so that was that. Unlike the others, he kept his peace, scanning the surroundings and waiting for the next orders or trouble to arrive.