[center][img]http://imgur.com/g1j60mP.jpg[/img] [h2][color=steelblue][b]Henry Pearl Avaritia[/b][/color][/h2] [@KoL][@TheWindel][/center] Henry shook his head, after that whole heroic speech Endian was willing to fuck it just for honesty? He shook his head and began to rein in his aura once more up until Lucille spoke up, trying to start drama. [color=steelblue]"It's so weird, you're telling nothing but the truth for once in your miserable life yet I want nothing more than to tear your head off and give it to my dogs as a chew toy. I think it's how fucking smug you sound."[/color] Henry was about to attack Lucille, but stopped himself when he saw most everyone else putting away their weapons. [color=steelblue]"I suggest you sleep with one eye open Lucille, otherwise you may wake up and find that I've stolen your crown and your life."[/color] He sheathed his sword and stopped imposing his pressure upon everyone. Helena spoke up and announced that it was time to choose. Leave the Nexus, let the leaders fight their war and instead seek freedom. Or return, learn the truth behind everything and maybe gain the knowledge to stop the endless cycle of war. Henry looked over everyone and saw the best and worst of all factions, how they made their choices. Two demons who justed wanted love, outside stimuli to make themselves better. A queen who sought only to sow the seeds of doubt and mistrust into everyone's minds. A skeleton who fell for an angel, a love that was never meant to be. A powerless angel, empowered by technology and humanity yet shunned by her own kind, forced to betray everyone lest they get to close to her. A cowboy spirit who just wanted to bring peace to the Nexus. A stubborn dragon, her belief so set that she cannot see how cruel her leader is. A weapon given life, yet somehow willing to ignore her base programming and try to forge alliances with her enemies. A man who only believes in survival of the fittest, confident that given enough time and corpses that his faction was bound to win. A slime with qualities of Demons, Angels, and Machina. And finally himself, a greedy prince who wanted freedom more than all the riches in the multiverse. But not just his freedom, he wanted true freedom, the likes of which could not be obtained by simply leaving the Nexus. [color=steelblue]"I want to leave the Nexus temporarily. Just for long enough to search for more power. Is that possible Helena?"[/color]