[center][h1][color=lightgreen]Anthony Ryder[/color][/h1] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m64uoyetGy1r9413r.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Anthony couldn't help but just hold back the laugh and smirked to himself, as he could hear the woman groaning as he heard her heels hitting against the concrete just to catch up to him. Thankfully he was a lot quicker then she was, and he was actually wearing good running shoes unlike the woman who was just wearing heels. Then he heard something hit the ground, looking down as he saw what was the remains of his phone that was now just shattered across the floor just as he had passed over it. He was surprised that the woman didn't actually use her gun, and shoot at him that would have probably been more effective then chucking his phone at him, he didn't even stop to pick it up. [color=lightgreen]"And now you owe me a new phone lady i'll be sending you the bill!"[/color] Anthony yelled back as he quickly continued on his way, back towards the subway that he had just came from after following the woman. He would occasionally look over his shoulder to see if the woman was still following after him or if she was still chasing him.