[@Lemons][@Kit DewStein] Luke eyes widened at Gavin’s ability as the guy easily bit clean through a sturdy metal plate, and let out an impulsive hiss, baring his fangs, in revulsion at the horrible noise the plate made. The sound was nearly deafening to those with normal hearing but unfortunately for Noelle the sound must have been down right painful. He glanced back at Gavin, “Sorry man, I guess I got some animal instincts there.” He glanced over at Noelle, who had thrown herself to the ground, if the sound was obnoxious to him, he could barely imagine what it was like for someone with super hearing. “You okay? They should’ve given you some ear muffs or something to help, I mean it’s gotta be annoying to hear everything that clearly.” Luke placed a hand on her shoulder and kept his voice to a whisper as he spoke. “On plus side, that’ll be an awesome skill set for sneaking around or maybe getting out of here later. What do you guys say, all for one, one for all. No way in hell am I going to become someone’s “pet” and I’d hate to see anyone like that.” He glanced around the room and noticed the other two talking to the panther-girl. "I guess we should also get to know the others some, try and see what they're about."