[quote=@POOHEAD189]Well it's only recently, like the past year, that I really even looked. A few of the shows actually did good for awhile though. [/quote] I’d argue that the majority of late night comedians are pretty abysmal at politics, but then again it’s pretty easy to poke holes in Trump’s decisions to the point that [i]Seth Meyers[/i] is doing it. The only one out of the network hosts that is remotely worth watching is Colbert, but his satirical skills (even from his liberal point-of-view) have softened since he made the move from Comedy Central to CBS. Beyond network television the only real options you have that are [i]interesting[/i] as well as entertaining would be Oliver and Noah. So that’s three comedians out of a group of much more. Fallon and Meyers should go back to acting like teenagers and doing rap skits with Justin Timberlake and so forth because their political views have about as much depth and worth as their comedic talents.