Akono smiled at the offer of food, but said nothing, enjoying his beverage. At the "both human" comment, he remarked "Aye. Hardly something worth mentioning, were you to ask me, but aye." He returned to his drink, draining it with a fervor that was almost concerning. As he set the enormous pitcher down to take a breath, a monstrous screeching rent the air. The singularly cacophonous sound snapped the bondsman back into the reality that was the impending mission, and he left his drink at the bar in favor of retrieving the trunk-like club that rested against the back wall. He hefted the massive weapon up onto one shoulder, then nodded to the Necromancer and stepped outside, eyes searching for the source of the screeching sound. He eventually did sight the source of the sound, as well as the apparent leader of the little party, as well as a young woman who he didn't recognize. He strode over to the two, acknowledging them, but saying nothing. He hefted his club down from his shoulder, resting the brass-bound head on the street. The handle leaned against his bulky chest, and he used one hand to keep it steadied. Finally, he spoke. "Jericho. Who's the woman? She part of our crew, or just hanging around in hopes of catching your eye?" He didn't make any attempt to address the woman herself. If she was worth his attention, she'd make it clear. He broke the tense moment with a grin, and a jovial "Kidding, miss. It's a pleasure to meet you, of course. I'm Akono. Anyone know why the beast up there showed up? Any town guardsmen to deal with it?"