Zach does his best not to wince at the mention of bible studies, but he does allow himself to share a dubious look with Sarah over the idea. A simple bible will do nothing to hurt him, of course, but he doubts he can get away without at the very least an annoying itch with Kiel reading passages and talking about god in that earnest way of his. "I think I'll stay to finish my drawing," he says, aware that he's not being terribly subtle about his avoidance. "I'd love some company, Sarah, but I understand it if you'd rather head over to bible studies with Kiel," he adds with a smile, offering the girl an out if she wants it. "After all, isn't it the best kind of piety to witness and enjoy the creation, in all it's forms?" He adds with a little wink at the priest. Zach doesn't spend much time thinking about the big guy upstairs, but when he does it's to wonder why he would make the world with such pleasures and then tell the humans to lock themselves up in cold churches and enjoy precisely none of those pleasures. Either something got lost in translation, or the G-man is a sadistic bastard.