Kian dreamt of a time before, before everything happened. It was a simpler times, sure Kian had problems like every other person in the world but he didn't know how [i]good[/i] he had it. In a heartbeat he would trade his past selves problems to his present self, but what can you say live and learn. He was stuck with the now, and what better way to face it than with a smile? That's what his parents would have wanted of him eitherway. His dream wasn't some grand old fantasy, it was him just conversing with his parents, discussing whether he should move to a dorm or stay with them, how simpler times just seem more mundane but unreachable in this day and age. In his stupor he was shook awake by an echoing metallic clank, the book [i]'In Search of Lost Time'[/i] fell off his face and onto the stony floor. In panic he grabbed the book but a page was scratched on a loose jagged rock, [i][color=#f67b00]Ah, well atleast it looks more grizzled and authentic now[/color][/i] he thought, trying to hide his pain at damaging what once was a mint condition book. Well it was mostly his fault for choosing to sleep on the rather uncomfortable chair. His eye whizzed to life as he got up, Kian clicked his tongue at the unintentional usage, choosing to wrap the bandages around it tighter before turning it off. [i][b][color=orange]"Wake up you lazy bunch. We've got work to do! You have 5 minutes to get ready for briefing."[/color][/b][/i] He patted the floors for his helmet and slung it on his arm before moving towards the briefing table, his scarf draping lazily behind him. He eyed Konstantin and shot him a genuine look of concern. As soon as he arrived he pat Konstantin's back, [color=#f67b00]"You alright buddy?"[/color] he said shooting him a warm smile. Taking a look at Ashur, or Loki, [color=#f67b00]"Hey boss."[/color] he expressed, shooting her the same smile, [color=#f67b00]"What's the situation?"[/color]