The Isa rune had been typing away on her presentation for a few minutes when Algiz and Sowilo made their appearance, and the red-headed woman announced their presence to her. Her words and the look on her face seemed to suggest that this was a positive resolution to the situation. Oren did not agree. [color=6ecff6]"How nice of you to two to deign to turn up finally. I thought I was being relatively modest in my goals by at least expecting the people I'm trying to instruct to be physically present in the same location and stay there, but apparently I was setting the bar too high. I'll be certain to lower my expectations in the future."[/color] She vehemently hit the 'return' key. Her expression was relatively impassive, though the look in her eye was pretty venomous. [color=6ecff6]"In that light of that, are you both planning to stick around for an extended amount of time? Or should I carry on with this so I'm getting something done?"[/color] She tilted her head slightly to the left, gloved hand still hovering over the keyboard. [color=6ecff6]"Seeing as the session is supposed to be about Aett auras, and not one but both the other members of my Aett had unceremoniously run off, I've been preparing for my presentation on the world eaters. Though if you're both ready to do something useful I'd be prepared to oblige."[/color] She wasn't making her feelings about the incident very ambiguous.