[hider=Takeshi Fujioka] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KvCswBE.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Takeshi Fujioka [b]Username:[/b] Tafui [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Class and Level:[/b] Druid Level 79 [b]Subclass and Level:[/b] Chef Level 90 [b]Guild:[/b] The Silver Spoon guild is a craftsman guild that is mainly comprised of those with the subclass of , , and . Only a few are allowed into the guild after showing their knowledge in food within Elder Tale. Once part of the guild, players gain benefits such as free food. [b]Bio:[/b] Born the third son of a rather wealthy member of the National Diet, there was always a faint sense of both pressure and ease in Takeshi's life. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he hardly ever had to work a day in his life in order to earn his keep due to the sheer financial gigantism of his family's estate. With that lack of drive however came a sort of hollowness in Takeshi, and he couldn't help but feel guilty due to the amount of responsibility placed on his oldest brother to succeed his father. Never especially smart, or good at sports, Takeshi felt inadequate nearly his whole life compared to his more talented brothers, and as such was a bit of a black sheep with seemingly no future ahead of him. Really, the best escape he had in his life came in the form of video games. Not something that was viewed as very worthwhile however, Takeshi didn't view it as a hobby, and instead thought of it as an outlet for what he wanted to do with his life. In just about any game he could, he'd play a supporting role, whether it be as a healer class in RPGs, or as a vehicle driver in FPS games. Wherever he was, he felt the need to carry the burden most didn't want. While it wasn't the immediate cause, games did help Takeshi to slowly kind of open up to people more as a person, and he started to become increasingly helpful at his high school, often filling in for people for cleaning duties and whatever chores needed doing. Helping too much did however make him into the school's "Gopher", who'd pretty much do anything if you asked him to. For some unknown reason, he also took to cooking after his older brothers both got sick. With their parents always working and the two adult men's diets consisting of instant meals, the youngest brother took up culinary pursuits so his brothers didn't get a sodium overdose from too much instant ramen. For the first time he felt...really useful. When Elder Tale came into his life, Takeshi was halfway through his senior year and felt enamored with the game due to the realism, environments, and sub-classes available, drawn instantly into becoming a chef. Many legends were told of the legendary Emergency First-Aid Bentos he cooked that were apparently so well made that they outclassed equivalent healing potions of that level. Soon enough after that, he'd join the ranks of Silver Spoon and quickly rose to the title of Iron Chef Tafui. When the Apocalypse struck, rather than worry himself to death thinking about his brothers at home, Tafui quickly got to trying to set up a sort of soup kitchen program for the Adventurers of Sapporo, and though his funds have been lacking, he's gotten by with his ramshackle gourmet charity soup kitchens. Now kind of flat broke, Tafui has taken up questing once again to be able to afford ingredients. [b]Personality:[/b] Takeshi is, relatively speaking, one of the most politely mannered people you'd ever meet. Kind-natured, well-mannered, and almost saintly in his desire to help other people, Takeshi can't turn down someone in need, and can prove to be incredibly gullible and naive. More than a few times he's been PK'd because of his overly trusting nature, albeit a chef druid doesn't really carry much of value on them anyways. His desire to help others comes from his own lack of self confidence, and the belief that if he can help others to achieve his goals, he in turn will find the strength to accomplish his. Loyal to a fault and timid when approached by others, Takeshi is the type to shy away when others offer to help him with his problems, believing that no one else should be bothered to care for him. This comes from his inferiority complex stemming from his brother, as he was mostly overlooked his whole life by his parents. [b]Equipment:[/b] [hider=Robe of the Spirit Speaker] A rather humble looking set of druid's robes that boosts his MP Regeneration by 25% when out of combat, at the stipulation of having -10% physical defense. It also greatly boosts his resistance to Earth Elemental Damage by 20%[/hider] [hider=Spidersilk Gloves] Intricately crafted gloves that are thin as air and dyed brown, these gloves increase the effects of healing spells cast by the user regenerating an extra 3% of the target's health over the course of 5 seconds, and if another healing spell is cast on a target, they regain an extra 10% over 10 seconds. Poor defense, high fashion.[/hider] [hider=Shamanistic Shawl] A bulky, ragged looking shawl that is almost large and thick enough to be a poncho. While not exactly pretty persay, it does reduce the cooldown of healing spells by 10%.[/hider] [hider=Boggy Brogans] A set of hobnailed boots that grants the user increased footing in heavily forested/muddy areas, increasing knockdown and stun resistance by 10% on those terrains, while also offering decent defense and amazing durability.[/hider] [hider=Silver Spoon Amulet] [i]'Crafted by ShrimpBoss'[/i] A pendant of the head of a spoon, almost appearing to look like a seashell with how liberal Shrimp was with "Spoon" as the design method. Reduces the time needed to consume the user's food by 10%. Since the Apocalypse however, it could be stated that the reason for the effect is that the food now becomes "10% more delicious".[/hider] [hider=Mountain Swallow] A longsword that took Tafui quite a while to grow accustomed to due to his class restriction on gear. The sword is Artifact class and was obtained as a reward for an event quest where participants with high cooking skill had to "Appease the Mountain Spirits with an offering". Having pleased their palate, they chose him to inherit the sword of the mountain, which had been swallowed up by a fissure in the ground. The sword deals high earth elemental damage, and does not actually deal any form of physical damage at all, just pure Earth Element. While normally very situational, this did serve as Tafui's go-to for when the party couldn't keep all the hate off of him. Beings such as golems and gargoyles with natural, rocky armor are weak to the Mountain Swallow.[/hider] [hider=Cu Culinary] A rather odd event quest reward in the form of an extremely slow food cart mount. While not...fast. At all. The cart DOES boast its own set of kitchen tools, four burner grill top, and a tub for washing dishes! It also has a rather cartoony depiction of Tafui holding up a stack of dumplings in each hand and smiling with his name written on it. He...had a lot of free time.[/hider] [b]Spells/Skills list:[/b] [hider=Druid Skills] [i]Bug's Light:[/i] This spell produces a source of light in the shape that vaguely resembles a firefly, allowing the caster and allies to see things in the dark. This magic is equivalent to Magic Light of Mage classes. [i]Sequoia of Life:[/i] The Sequoia of Life is a Druid Summoning Spell that summons a large Sequoia tree with an area-of-effect that restores up 30% of a maximum of ten Players' Health. [i]Nature Revive:[/i] This spell is used to resurrect an ally who is killed in battle. However, it has a long casting time, uses a lot of MP, and has a cooldown of 300 seconds. As a result, this spell is not practical for use during the heat of battle. [i]Heartbeat Healing:[/i] Heartbeat Healing is a technique that regenerates a target's HP every second for a period of 15 seconds. [i]Sticks to Snakes:[/i] A spell used to transmute wood into a familiar in the form of a snake, or several snakes. The size of the transmuted wood affects the power, size, and MP consumption of the snake summoned. [i]Healing Wind:[/i] A long distance delayed heal that sticks to the target for a longer period of time than Heartbeat Healing, at about 40 seconds. It restores roughly 1% of the target's HP per second, and offers some mitigation against Damage Over Time effects. [i]Heal:[/i] A slow acting heal spell that can target up to 3 people at a time, restoring 10% of their Max HP over a period of 10 seconds. [i]Nature Scry:[/i] A sort of navigation spell where the user calls upon the spirits of the wild to ask for directions, as well as for information on various enemies in the area. If persuaded, the spirits can even be convinced to act as scouts for the user, provided something is offered in exchange. Typically food. [i]Mask of the Brush:[/i] A unique druid spell that offers the user complete invisibility so long as they are within a forest. It consumes MP at a rapid rate, and if the user launches any sort of attack spell, the invisibility is broken immediately. [i]Nightbloom:[/i] A spell that causes a seed to be launched at an enemy, that quickly takes root in their armor or skin and germinates, spreading around and binding them weakly, while releasing paralytic spores that if not escaped in time, induce Paralysis. [i]Sprite Bolt:[/i] An arrow of light launched from the user's weapon, that orbits around the user until an enemy is chosen as the target. While weak, the spell has an incredibly short cooldown, and multiple can be readied at a time, enabling it to be used as a "Barrage" of weak spells. [i]Shillelagh:[/i] A spell to call upon an enourmous magic stick that swiftly chases down a foe and bonks them on the head. The spell persists for a few seconds, and hitting the same enemy multiple times will restore some of the user's MP. [i]Wicker Golem:[/i] Creates a large, damage resistant golem that is roughly the size of an adult tree that will chase down a foe relentlessly. If ignited, the golem will fly into a panic and run faster, attempting to get the enemy to put it out by beating them senseless. Costs a fairly high amount of MP.[/hider] [hider=Subclass Skills] [i]Overskill: Real Food Preparation:[/i] Discovered literally by accident by Tafui due to him often doing cooking manually anyways, his food has actual taste, and can cause weight gain over time like actual food can. [i]God of Cutlery/ All Methods Unleashed:[/i] A simple denotion of mastery that Tafui can use ANY method of cooking, and just about any known recipe to him. [/hider] [hider=Overskill] Unknown[/hider] [/hider]