[color=ec008c]"I think I'm fine,"[/color] Raiya replied. She attempted to raise her torso so that she'd be in a sitting position to no avail. [color=ec008c]"Well, I think physically I am okay. Well... It's just that water tends to drain my stamina pretty fast, and we were in that ocean for God know's how long."[/color] Raiya explained, [color=ec008c]"On top of that, it was so cold in that water my body shut down completely. My snake enhancements were probably the only thing that kept me alive. So if it's all the same to you, I think I will just rest here a little while longer while my body gets back to working order."[/color] Raiya finished. Raiya cringed at the thought of having to fight two more enemies who also happened to be powerful members of the Arcanocracy. [color=ec008c]"Go find the others while I rest here. I certainly wont be of any help later on against any enemies if my limbs aren't functioning because they don't have proper circulation."[/color] Raiya replied. It was always her extremities that were the first to shut down whenever she entered this shut down state due to inadequate temperatures. Being cold blooded really limited how Raiya could operate in specific environments. [color=ec008c]"Come back here when you've located everyone else.[/color] Raiya said, her voice certainly carrying a tone of exhaustion. After she finished talking with Nemo, she spread her limbs out in the hot sand and closed her eyes