[center][@Cerces22][@Alisdragon911][/center] Hive didn't question how Mihoshi knew exactly what he was thinking she couldn't have read his mind, there is a fail-safe for that god help the person that attempted to do something so silly. Maybe it was his body language or process of elimination or...maybe she was as smart as he was. If that was the case then that would mean he wasnt alone in his class of intelligence after all. Hive looked at mihoshi with a newfound respect. [i]SAID IN ELVEN[/i] "Praise be to the higher power for the gift of one as smart as myself." It was at this time that Hive realized the drow from earlier sat in the room now And she too was quite the looker had it not been for the realization of Mihoshi's intelligence he would have near fallen for the Immaculate raven haired beauty that spoke with the voice of one from the choir of the higher power yes he was not attracted at all to her pristine slate colored skin. [i]SAID IN ELVEN[/i] "I needed to somewhere else other then where i was for reasons [i]CONTINUED IN COMMON[/i] on a lighter note i saw an ad and the place looked nice so i hoped on the 1st thing smoking which was something i built i call it an interdimensional matter transporter" He said with a smile