There currently seems to be a mod-imposed restriction on discourse if it reaches 'inflammatory' or 'trollish' proportions. This may make sense at first, but we have to remember that the decision on whether such discourse is inflammatory or not is usually arbitrary and made by nobody else but the mods. This one-sidedness makes this rule very easy to abuse, as the mods can label actual discourse 'trollish' and silence it with nary a dissenting word. The fact that what is actually insulting and inflammatory is technically subjective and varies from person to person does not help. There is a reason why hate speech, though as horrible as it is, is not illegal in some countries. We recognize that even they have a right to free speech, and that if we hand over the labeling of speech as hate to the government and give this labeling actual consequence, it becomes prone to abuse. The US could make flying the Nazi flag illegal because it displays hateful ideologies, but then again, so does the Bible or Koran or the Communist Manifesto or the writings of Martin Luther King - from a certain point of view. Also, I don't get why the mods hate drama so much. Let it happen. Trying to treat it as a non-issue and sweeping it under the rug will only end it temporarily. Longer, drawn-out discourse is needed to truly solve issues of this magnitude.