[b]Name:[/b] Asha Castandandito-Suarez [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Picture:[/b] [url=http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e244/twgquick/6_000_pv_with_vera_again_by_killingthename-d33rxhm.jpg]Link1[/url], [url=http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e244/twgquick/6_000_pv_with_vera_again_by_killingthename-d33rxhm.jpg]Link2[/url] [b]Height:[/b] 5'6'' [b]Weight:[/b] 140 lbs [b]Background:[/b] Lord and Master Grainsman Julio Suarez and Lady Elena Castandanito of the great and enormous Castandanito family are two of some of the most wealthy and most politically powerful families in the country. They hold a tremendous amount of wealth with Julio Suarez owning many businesses as well as one of the largest grain/wheat production sites in the entire world. Lord Julio started out with his grandfather and his father buying off plots of land, tearing up the finest of dirt and creating this enormous empire through trade, marketing and building contracts with a number of individuals and, from there, started expanding their name as a lender to help finance many upstarting businesses or help others in need. His family, at his greatest sacrifice, grew drastically and they eventually came upon an amount of wealth they couldn't spend it all if they tried. Julio's father married him off to an old family of wealth the Castandanito family to their heiress Lady Elena whom family holds the market in a half dozen different fields, majorly in the minery and masonry. When their family merged they both worked together to increase the security and sanctity of their names to ensure a long linage. Then...The two made the mistake of their lives. They had a daughter. From the day she was born she was spoiled with all the finest foods, clothes, and was given an education befitting of a scholar. However, unlike her mother who was raised in the same noble upbringing, Asha Castandandito-Suarez grew to be an arrogant, over confident, self obsessed, and highly inflated princess of nobility. The moment she was 6 she decided all her servants were beneath her and by the time she was 6.5 she decided anyone that wasn't her family was a peasant. By the time her father and mother noticed just how fluffed up their sheltering of her had made her they attempted to fix it. Her father forced her to learn to use the rapier. The hard labor, long hours, and arduous training would give her discipline he thought? No. Although she was forced to do it, he mainly only got her to train by bribing her and that eventually turned into a total reversal of control in which she was doing it on her own time, at her own pace, and at her leisure. The rapier was a family art and was trained like a dance within the Suarez family. Despite her attitude, personality and laziness, she is actually fairly prominent and masterful with the rapier. So, her mother tried. When she was 14 her mother tried to have her feed and take after the impoverished. She figured she would leave her daughter with them to help take after them, which was met by a mountainfold of complaints. However, that ended when Asha was kidnapped by some looters looking to bribe the family for money...Only to give her back because they couldn't stand the little girl. The two didn't know what they were going to do. As the years went on by the little princess grew more and more self absorbed. So, they decided to do one last task. As the dragons started to come back it would be a wonderful look on both houses to have their oldest heir enlist and become a knight during the dragon war times. So, they, finally gathering their parental might, and said that if Asha did become a knight they would remove her from all entitlements unless she became a knight and slayed at least one dragon. There was a lot of arguing that day. The entire house seemed flipped upside down but, despite it being his baby girl, her father stood his ground. She would have to become a knight and show proof that she slayed a dragon or to protect their family home. If she could not do this then she didn't deserve to take on the family name and wouldn't have the capacity to protect or make it prosper. They didn't want her to go, but she needed structure and help and guidance and she knew an easy way to get out of everything here at home...But under the King's Army she would be a nobody. Of course her father would bribe anyone and everyone to ensure his daughter, and heiress, safety but there was no way he would let her know that. He of course had reservations sending his daughter to this attempt at "militarization" so that she would have the maturity needed to be a proper heir and it would look grand on her having such experience under her belt. Her mother approved, was convinced by her daughter to go against her father but then brought back to her father's side and agreed to ship her daughter off or kick her out. It was their only choice. And, by that logic, her only choice. She had no fight left. She had to do it. She could get eaten by a dragon! What were her parents thinking? But she knew they wouldn't budge. The fate of the Kingdom was, by [I]their[/I] logic more important than her life so she had to show face in name of both her houses. She made her parents swear, before hopping in the carriage, that if she returns with proof of a dead dragon then she would gain infinite immunity against any more of their plows and would become the Queen Inheritor (to be her official title) of both the entirety of both their houses. They...Reluctantly agreed hoping that she would, by the time she got back, would be of changed mind...Or she would be worse and far more powerful. [b]Why you joined:[/b] Because...Her father made her. Which is totally not fine at all. [b]Weapons:[/b] She is very handy with short sword times, in particular the rapier. She can throw with fairly decent aim as well. Short to mid ranged weapon styles are her forte. [b]Abilities:[/b] She is actually an exceptional liar. The heartbeat trick doesn't work on her at all. She can lie to your face better than she can tell the truth. She has great affinity for sword combat, though her style is more dance and elegant than it is for fighting. She has great skill to discern rare and valuable gems. She also can tell you when you can't cook, dance, read, dress, act, draw, or do anything else horribly. Although a great liar, she has a terrible trend to be violently honest too. [b]Personality:[/b] Spoiled rotten doesn't even begin to describe how bad this girl is. Perhaps monetary induced diabetes is perhaps more accurate? She doesn't like working...Or walking, or and sometimes doing things for herself. Asha is perhaps the most self absorbed, lazy, single minded, selfish and narcissistic individual through her very lavish and long family line. She prefers to have her servants do everything, to include dressing and feeding herself. She is not above lying, in fact she is actually very talented at it, and she hates anything even resembling manual labor. Due to her father's overly macho and aggressive personality, he would tend to force his daughter to things like manual labor (walking to the grocery market and picking up things for dinner) and child endangerment (being forced to learn to defend herself with a weapon) and worse of worse...Budget! Her personality is that of a completely entitled, spoiled princess. She feels like the whole world owes her something and everyone in it is not a special as she is. She thinks asking anything of her is at the behest of divine will. Though, as one would expect, her greatest weakness in the entire world are lavish gems and jewelry. She can spot the difference between cubic zirconia and a diamond with a glance.